Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Personality Type

"People like you are usually imaginative, creative, and sensitive. You are a fairly private person, and take your time to get to know people and to let people get to know you. You probably have a small group of close and trusted friends, and are generally cautious about jumping into new social situations. People describe you as thoughtful and empathetic, and you will try hard to please the people you care about. Outwardly quiet, you have strong feelings and opinions, especially about the way people should treat one another. You are very committed to your beliefs so you may have trouble backing down or giving up your ideals just to do what others think is best. You may even be somewhat of a perfectionist. People sometimes disappoint you and since it's hard for you to stay objective, you may be easily offended or often get your feelings hurt.

You also love to fantasize about the future, and enjoy all sorts of creative activities like writing, reading, music, and art. You tend to be organized, efficient, and inventive about getting your work done, and you are a responsible and respectful person. Since you like to have a plan, and stick with it, you don't like it when plans change suddenly. And, you prefer plenty of time to adjust to, or prepare for new experiences. You like spending time alone and while you like doing things with your good friends, you are not typically the one who initiates social activities. Since you are a great listener, people trust you and are often amazed by the original insights you have about others. You naturally look below the surface to understand the deeper meaning in every experience and interaction." - CAA

This is about 85% correct. pretty darn cool. :D

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I love it!

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"Lone Ship."

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"Nature's light."

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"Working girl."

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"Photography Enthusiast."

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"catfood is in the air."

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"cute kids."