Monday, October 19, 2009

just a little tidbit

Finally got my memory card back! I need more storage! All me memory cards are filled!

Here is a little something before I get back to my pile of homework. :) Ooh, what a joy!

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"My Shoe of Heart"

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"Noble Silhouette"

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Club Day for SC!

This was for last year's club day. Look how BADASS I looked! LOL. those members are longg gone aren't they?

09' Baby! hahha dang its boobie! lol. and chinh with her expression in the bg. oh yeah, this would be this year's club day! photo cred: nancyshabang.

Monday, October 5, 2009

A tale about the father...

Hilarious. So I went upstairs awhile ago to say hi to parents.

Dad goes, "How will our daughters repay us when they grow up?"
Me: "By camping out at your house and asking you to cook for us. :)"

Dad: "Hey Kieu. (touches his bushy eyebrows.) Do you think Mom needs to pick some for me? It looks like it's growing too much."

It's like he's one of us girls! So cute!


Me: "Dad, do you know what mascara is?
Dad: "the stuff you put on here?" (rubs eyelid.)
Me: "Eyeshadow?"
Dad: "the stuff you put in your eye!" (means ON your eye.)
Me: "What is foundation?"
Dad: "Even I know that! Everything needs a foundation, even a house! It's the stuff you put on before you put "phan" (foundation). (thinks he's got it. thinks it's a primer.)

Me: "Blush?"
Dad: "I don't know! Blush is blush!" (tries to cover his lack of knowledge)


Sunday, October 4, 2009


Welpers, although I was fairly tireddd as it was since we all went to the Rock n' Roll Marathon since 5 AM. OH GOD. and cool shirt, too, I appreciated that Carlin stuck it out with us. :). Anyway, it was pretty dead to be honest but I think it ended pretty well. We played basketball and stuff which is not as scary to me as football. LOL. That scary Tony. <.<. Hmm, Van taught us how to focus the easy way, his way of "cheating" or taking the shortcut. :). Lol, me, Delia, and Nancy saw his crazy touchdown dance. hilarious, fosho. :) Hmm, and I would loveee to post up some fantastical pictures taken by everyone on Nancy's camera. :). Ahah, yeah fun fun. GG. xD. DUDE, gotta ask Mark about ps stuff. -_-' .