Monday, October 5, 2009

A tale about the father...

Hilarious. So I went upstairs awhile ago to say hi to parents.

Dad goes, "How will our daughters repay us when they grow up?"
Me: "By camping out at your house and asking you to cook for us. :)"

Dad: "Hey Kieu. (touches his bushy eyebrows.) Do you think Mom needs to pick some for me? It looks like it's growing too much."

It's like he's one of us girls! So cute!


Me: "Dad, do you know what mascara is?
Dad: "the stuff you put on here?" (rubs eyelid.)
Me: "Eyeshadow?"
Dad: "the stuff you put in your eye!" (means ON your eye.)
Me: "What is foundation?"
Dad: "Even I know that! Everything needs a foundation, even a house! It's the stuff you put on before you put "phan" (foundation). (thinks he's got it. thinks it's a primer.)

Me: "Blush?"
Dad: "I don't know! Blush is blush!" (tries to cover his lack of knowledge)


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