Wednesday, December 2, 2009

a ramble of jibberish...

fall. fall. fall. :D just wanna snug up and get away from school. bring my camera and drag tiff to Rome and ride on the little boats. and pick a snowball fight with my friends. :D and wrap gifts and unwrap them. and turn 17 and do something special.

take more photos. dye my hair. do my nails. get an mp3 player. watch korean dramas with tiff. go on a shopping spree - yeah right. redecorate my room. recycle my clothes - make room for more junk. :D lalaal. actually read a good book! and finish it!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Cat Series!

So, I was watching Animal Planet and they had a show on about Cats 101. It was so adorable and it just made me want to snuggle up with my own cats. So I bribed Whiskie with food to let me take pictures of her. Loved them. Well, here ya go!

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I noticed I love my pictures in black and white, don't I? Haha, I have too much time on my hands. Actually, not true at all. I just can't resist taking pictures and messing around with them in Photoshop. :) I have another set to post up and guess what!? This one will be in FULL COLOR! Hooray!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Winter's Wishlist

I'm going to take a very short break since my head is killing me! What's the use of drinking pain killers if they don't even work!? Here is my tiny break. Less than 5 minutes. It's now 1:06 AM. Here goes.

  1. memory cards
  2. a new mp3 player
  3. a wacom tablet
  4. a tattoo
  5. CirclesLens2u Contacts Magic Black
  6. ear phones/headphones
  7. electronic toothbrush Sonicare, i think
  8. sewing machine
  9. a music player for my damn CAR!
  10. and one to replace my room with good speakers! never gonna happen!
Yep, that's it.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

a classic black and white moment...

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My Little Marilyn Life-Sized Doll

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Staring into the darkness....

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Freakie, huh?

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Save me from the ruins.

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Creeper in the night.

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Sunkissed. :)

Model: all except last, thanks to Tiff!

Monday, October 19, 2009

just a little tidbit

Finally got my memory card back! I need more storage! All me memory cards are filled!

Here is a little something before I get back to my pile of homework. :) Ooh, what a joy!

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"My Shoe of Heart"

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"Noble Silhouette"

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Club Day for SC!

This was for last year's club day. Look how BADASS I looked! LOL. those members are longg gone aren't they?

09' Baby! hahha dang its boobie! lol. and chinh with her expression in the bg. oh yeah, this would be this year's club day! photo cred: nancyshabang.

Monday, October 5, 2009

A tale about the father...

Hilarious. So I went upstairs awhile ago to say hi to parents.

Dad goes, "How will our daughters repay us when they grow up?"
Me: "By camping out at your house and asking you to cook for us. :)"

Dad: "Hey Kieu. (touches his bushy eyebrows.) Do you think Mom needs to pick some for me? It looks like it's growing too much."

It's like he's one of us girls! So cute!


Me: "Dad, do you know what mascara is?
Dad: "the stuff you put on here?" (rubs eyelid.)
Me: "Eyeshadow?"
Dad: "the stuff you put in your eye!" (means ON your eye.)
Me: "What is foundation?"
Dad: "Even I know that! Everything needs a foundation, even a house! It's the stuff you put on before you put "phan" (foundation). (thinks he's got it. thinks it's a primer.)

Me: "Blush?"
Dad: "I don't know! Blush is blush!" (tries to cover his lack of knowledge)


Sunday, October 4, 2009


Welpers, although I was fairly tireddd as it was since we all went to the Rock n' Roll Marathon since 5 AM. OH GOD. and cool shirt, too, I appreciated that Carlin stuck it out with us. :). Anyway, it was pretty dead to be honest but I think it ended pretty well. We played basketball and stuff which is not as scary to me as football. LOL. That scary Tony. <.<. Hmm, Van taught us how to focus the easy way, his way of "cheating" or taking the shortcut. :). Lol, me, Delia, and Nancy saw his crazy touchdown dance. hilarious, fosho. :) Hmm, and I would loveee to post up some fantastical pictures taken by everyone on Nancy's camera. :). Ahah, yeah fun fun. GG. xD. DUDE, gotta ask Mark about ps stuff. -_-' .

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

a breath of fresh air...

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lovelies. <3
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Purple Domination
vintage, me likey...

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like my sneakers? transformed is what it is.

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Mystical land of infants

Being a junior is reallly time consuming, I swear. It's funny because I usually think things will be worse than they actually are. However, I didn't think I'd be this busy. Seriously, it's not too bad. I'm used to it from last year. Thanks, Mr. Chan. Ahah. Although I don't have too much homework tonight, I really think I better hit those SAT books. They're collecting a layer of dust. The highlight of the day: I got perfect on today's precal quiz. Awesome or whaaa? Definitely. Well, let's see if I can eat up that test next week. xD. I wanna paint my nails and make an Epik High cd. And I wanna take more pictures! I'll never get better on photography. No time/no sleep = EWWW..... :)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The weekend's closure...

So, yesterday was our Interact bonding and that was fun. :D Maybe I'll get some pictures to post up. :). Umm anyway, I've been trying to make some plushies but to no avail. They pretty much sucks. :P. Now, time for study timeeee! Off to the library!

Monday, September 14, 2009

The cycle goes on...

It is a Monday. :). Guess what? I got an A on my Precal test. But hey, guess what? I got an F on my Japanese quiz! Great. Now I have a complete F in Japanese. Hmm, anyway, for the first time, I'm not feeling too bad about it. :D. I have faith that I'll get better! :) Sooo...since it's early day, quick update and onto homework for a lifetime of study!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Stories of the Labor Day Weekend...

I feel like I update my facebook photos more often than ones for this blog! Sadd..So here are my collection from this weekend!! enjoy!

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"Nerdies for life. <3" src="" alt="Image Hosted by">
"It's just you and me."

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"Musical Life"

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"If I were a boy..."

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"my painter; colour"

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"Vibrancy in nature."

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"Light of Day"

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"Highlight of the City."

Thursday, September 3, 2009

ticking the minutes away...

Again, I'm sitting in front of my Japanese reader trying to study for tomorrow's quiz that should or might cover anything and everything from J1 and J2! Why must I always be talking about. That's because I always blog instead of do homework. :). No social life. Aha. Just kidding. Tomorrow I think I'm planning to hang out with the girls. Let's try to say that in Japanese. Ashita, tomodacho to eiga wo miru to omotteimasu. Omotteimasu is not as sure as tsumori. I must remember that...

Hilarious. I'm talking to myself about JAPANESE. Lol. Anyway, I want to go to San Francisco to go to thrift shops with . (If I have time, I'll translate that into Japanese as well.) I also want to try to buy supplies at Michael's in order to make earrings to sell to Tiffany and so on. :D

Life is a blank canvas. It is up to you to fill it up with beautiful things. Only then will you have a masterpiece.

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"Bloom of the Darkness."

Image Hosted by "The Fam"

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Twinkle twinkle little star...

Anyway, like my new banner? In it are my sis and my dad. Taken yesterday at Japanese Garden in San Jose! We had an awesome time. If I have some time tomorrow, I'll be sure to post them up for you to see!

Monday, August 31, 2009

life needs photography.

I have a fat headache right now. I think I need a nap, never get enough sleep. I've been so busy, can't even take pictures, or better yet, haven't gotten the chance to upload the only ones I have. Here are my most recent, which are still pretty old for my usual. Enjoy. :)

Image Hosted by Sushi Sensation. Taken on August 23. :) This was very tasty. I made sushi once before but the last time, I didn't wrap it enough so the ingredients starting falling apart. I need a bamboo mat! Well, does it look good, because it was! No one was home to eat it with me, though, so I just ate it myself. :) Yumm.

Image Hosted by Lake of Warmth. Taken at the beginning of August as well. This was taken during a little bike trip with my dad to the lake. :) I was inspired to take a great shot of a red, warm sunset since I witnessed the most amazing sunset in New York. Just my luck. That day, I left it at the hotel so I missed the blazing red sun. It was an unbelievable red, the ones you see in paintings. This photo was edited in photoshop to enhance the nature's hues and constrast. I like it nevertheless.

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This is called "Portrait of a Woman". Taken on August 22nd. It was probably about 3 of 4 in the morning and I knew I should have went straight to bed after staying up so late doing nonsense things like watching korean dramas but when I layed on my bead, looking at the night lamp, I had to take it. I took a whole bunch and here is one for today's showcase. :) Love it. Do you?
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Taken in Los Gatos, California at a Yogurt and Smoothie Cafe.
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Taken in San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf and Ghiradelli Square. Very chilly that day, with cute little tea shops.