Monday, August 31, 2009

life needs photography.

I have a fat headache right now. I think I need a nap, never get enough sleep. I've been so busy, can't even take pictures, or better yet, haven't gotten the chance to upload the only ones I have. Here are my most recent, which are still pretty old for my usual. Enjoy. :)

Image Hosted by Sushi Sensation. Taken on August 23. :) This was very tasty. I made sushi once before but the last time, I didn't wrap it enough so the ingredients starting falling apart. I need a bamboo mat! Well, does it look good, because it was! No one was home to eat it with me, though, so I just ate it myself. :) Yumm.

Image Hosted by Lake of Warmth. Taken at the beginning of August as well. This was taken during a little bike trip with my dad to the lake. :) I was inspired to take a great shot of a red, warm sunset since I witnessed the most amazing sunset in New York. Just my luck. That day, I left it at the hotel so I missed the blazing red sun. It was an unbelievable red, the ones you see in paintings. This photo was edited in photoshop to enhance the nature's hues and constrast. I like it nevertheless.

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This is called "Portrait of a Woman". Taken on August 22nd. It was probably about 3 of 4 in the morning and I knew I should have went straight to bed after staying up so late doing nonsense things like watching korean dramas but when I layed on my bead, looking at the night lamp, I had to take it. I took a whole bunch and here is one for today's showcase. :) Love it. Do you?
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Taken in Los Gatos, California at a Yogurt and Smoothie Cafe.
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Taken in San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf and Ghiradelli Square. Very chilly that day, with cute little tea shops.

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