Monday, August 31, 2009

life needs photography.

I have a fat headache right now. I think I need a nap, never get enough sleep. I've been so busy, can't even take pictures, or better yet, haven't gotten the chance to upload the only ones I have. Here are my most recent, which are still pretty old for my usual. Enjoy. :)

Image Hosted by Sushi Sensation. Taken on August 23. :) This was very tasty. I made sushi once before but the last time, I didn't wrap it enough so the ingredients starting falling apart. I need a bamboo mat! Well, does it look good, because it was! No one was home to eat it with me, though, so I just ate it myself. :) Yumm.

Image Hosted by Lake of Warmth. Taken at the beginning of August as well. This was taken during a little bike trip with my dad to the lake. :) I was inspired to take a great shot of a red, warm sunset since I witnessed the most amazing sunset in New York. Just my luck. That day, I left it at the hotel so I missed the blazing red sun. It was an unbelievable red, the ones you see in paintings. This photo was edited in photoshop to enhance the nature's hues and constrast. I like it nevertheless.

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This is called "Portrait of a Woman". Taken on August 22nd. It was probably about 3 of 4 in the morning and I knew I should have went straight to bed after staying up so late doing nonsense things like watching korean dramas but when I layed on my bead, looking at the night lamp, I had to take it. I took a whole bunch and here is one for today's showcase. :) Love it. Do you?
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Taken in Los Gatos, California at a Yogurt and Smoothie Cafe.
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Taken in San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf and Ghiradelli Square. Very chilly that day, with cute little tea shops.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Taking a break in a life's pile of...


"The truth is, you already are aware of yourself and who you are. You've come to terms with yourself and have been through almost everything. You live, love, and cherish. You've already shown everyone your true colors. Your life is complete. Nothing hold you back. You've lived with regrets, anger, hurt, despair, light dark, and everything in between. However, these things won't stop you. Keep living on. You find beauty in yourself and others. You are prone to changing. You let your emotions out and keep them that way. Everyone admires you for your loyalty and trustworthiness. You are a truly unique and one in your own."

Haha, I got this by doing a quiz on facebook. Now, must resume APUSH essay. See ya!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Three days in...

Hooray! I won't have to sleep at 2 AM tonight! the other two nights. Thank goodness. In two hours, TGIF! So Everyday, I've been going to Japanese tutoring for the stuff we missed out in J2 last year with Hashimoto. It's an hour at a time. I was pretty intimidated today and quite nervous, so I was making careless mistakes that I usually never have trouble with. I did my Japanese homework first to get it out of the way. Altogether, including the speech, it took me like 1.5 hours, which is ultra long. I'll be able to shorten the time when my Japanese improves. I can't wait till that day. I'm not dreading today as I did the other two days. :) Glad. I'm now having to read and study for FOUR whole chapters for AP US History. Why must everything be so specific? And why must every important person have the name John or William? Ridiculous. Ehh..At least it is 10 now. If I do this for about 1.5 hours and practice my Japanese speech before I go to bed, I'll wing it. In bed before 1 please. I beg of your wisdom. HAHA! BETTER start! No time to lose. schoolschoolschoool. sleep. eat. nap. homeworkhomeworkhomework. school. testtesttest.

I love my life. FML

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Buckle up tight because it's gonna be a bumpy ride!

Listening to: Leaves in the Wind - Isaac Shepard

All a rush of things to do. Tick tock. 2 AM. Things happening. Uncontrollable. Rolling back and forth. breath at a time. 3 AM. The night is dark and quiet. I am alone and every one else in the house is there yet not there. My eyes look up at the empty darkness. Black out. Blink. 5 AM. What is wrong with me?

My alarm rings. 7:00 AM. Primetime, baby. I am looking forward to this. Still a little unsure but still a little anticipating. Into the bathroom I go, the usual. The brushing, the washing up, the dressing, the eye-liner. Eye-liner has to be well done today. Let's make an impression! But wait, peeking outside the glass window, what is that wind? 'Maybe it'll go away soon. Better be prepared, bring the cardigan.' Breakfast, some Reese's puffs and a waffle. Out the door.

Kisses Dad good-bye. First class here I come. Mrs. Voss. D-7. 2nd Period. English 3 AP. People are leaving from their first period of the day. Scott Harano says, "Good luck." ...There's a test on Moby Dick. Brilliant. Take a deep breath. Walk in. Sits down next to Amanda Schmitt, Amy Wong, Amber Por, Johanna Hoang. Comfortable as it is, I look around and see Don Truong walking in. Yay! It's ol' pal Don. and Nancy too. SaraB is in the class too but obviously I can't sit next to her. Why is it that every class has a seating arrangement or seating charts. Ridiculous. Moving on. She gives us our test. It's horrible! 50 questions, at least they're multiple choice. I didn't know any of the vocabulary. Foreboding? Maelstrom? Salt? At least the way it was defined in the answers I didn't see the connection.

3rd period: Taylor. AP US History. He might be easier than Chan but not a great of a teacher as he was. Already, Taylor seems a bit boring. It'll be hard for me to follow his no sleeping rule. I should go say hi to Mr. Chan. At least Hayley sits in front of me. :) Yay! Though she says I look older. Um, is that a good thing or bad thing? I don't even know. Good, I was missing her. :) Beside me is Don again! Haha, did I tell you we have 3 classes together? Damnnnn. Ahaha. Behind him is Krystal D. She's an awesome gal. I'm very glad to have her in my class. :).

Break. School is pretty crowded. Freshmen roaming here and there. All the new fresh faces, everywhere. I was once one of them. Why couldn't there be something like "new Juniors". Lol. Our little crew, of what I can remember is a little mix of Delia, Nancy, Don, Carlin, Thao, Will (here and away), Katherine Le, Kathy Vuong, Cindy Chau...Yep yep.

4th: Bump bump bump bump. The sound of my heart beating. Japanese 3. Hall sensei. His class is the one I'm worried most about. All made up of other nerds and geniuses. C'mon! Sally, Johanna, Scott, Amanda, even though she won't admit it at least for Japanese, Katherine! Wait, and Thuy, too! I'm scared for tonight's assignment, too. Have to make a one minute speech in plain form and memorize it, then present it orally tomorrow. Forget this. I'm out.

My body is tense, drained. Hang in there, Nicole. Let's not get burned out quite yet. May I have some guidance...

Monday, August 24, 2009

A teen before the first day of school...

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I'm in the middle of my adorable friends, Jaimie and Nancy Papa. Lol.

Seated in the black leather chair in front of the hot monitor, I am typing up this post instead of revising my English Literature essay for my "beloved" English AP assignment. Luckily, since I have a headache, I've asked Don to revise it for me. :). He's going to have the first three classes with me. Interesting, aye? I'm really not looking forward to these classes. :( I don't have any classes with Delia or Jaimie. What fun is that? Oh yeah, let's not forget Carlin. Oops. Sorry Carlin!

The crickets are making noises outside. It was very hot today, but it's strangely cold outside now. I don't even want to be sitting in front of this ultra-bright screen but because of my lousy procrastination, it's what I must do. My US History book is lying on the floor, yelling at me to read it already. But any normal student knows you just want to go shut it in the closet and lock it up. I wonder what I should wear tomorrow. Again, like other teens, you want to look good on the first day of school, but you don't want to overdo it either. That would be overkill, like you're trying too hard. That's because tomorrow's outfit will not only be in the yearbook for the rest of your life, it's the outfit and look that is going to make or break your first impression to those at school. I'm laughing now. Not "break", but I do plan to take some consideration when choosing out what to wear tomorrow, especially because it's going to be near the 90's. -_-' Oh god. Why does it have to be so damn hot?

I was checking out a blog awhile ago which is managed by two friends. It's about fashion and lifestyle which I find pretty interesting. Too bad I don't have another friend that really is on the same page as me about fashion or photography. :P Otherwise, it'd be cool to have one together. :) Anyway, for a little background info about me!

My name is Nicole and I'm going to officially become a Junior tomorrow at Silver Creek High School in the Silicon Valley of California. I'm Asian, born and raised in this same purple house that just says "Doll House" all over it. I am a very messy person, with my personal space, I guess. But I'm super organized with my school work; why is that? I absolutely love fashion, photography, writing, art, drawing, reading, biking, eating, sushi, and all of those goodies. I'm also a person that loves to start things but is never able to finish them, for example, like sewing. Although I can't afford sewing classes, I haven't made any garments of my own. :( And for now I must really stop because my headache is becoming very difficult.

Thanks for reading!

Edit (a portion of my English Lit essay):

Although every human being struggles from problems of evil, it does not mean that we are compelled to be that way. No matter how tough it is, we have the free will to choose to act differently, such as doing good deeds and acting accordingly to our moral ethics. We must also accept that no one or nothing is entirely good or entirely evil either. That’s why, in the yin yang symbol, there is a balance of black and white on both sides. To me, this means that the truer and purer your heart, the more you will be able to forgive and let go of the past, rather than filling your heart full of vengeance, as the case of Ahab’s blinded obsession in Moby Dick. Otherwise, if you allow for any one of these negative emotions, whether it is vengeance, hate, or jealousy, unfavorable consequences will result.

a breeze of cool air...

Epik High - Remixing the Human Soul

Short term goals. I am determined to set out some short term goals that shall be important to me. I want to abide to a short term goal and actually complete it on time. Hopefully if I am successful, by that time, I'll have some readers. :). I won't start right now. I'll just discuss about some of the ones that I am thinking. One thing that I want to continue doing, however, is blogging and keeping record of it.

Some of the things I want to do are: practice and improve my photography, improve my photography and graphic editing skills enough to make a scrapbook of my collection of photos or make a personal book out of it. I think photography shall be most important right now because I always get ahead of myself. I laugh at myself. I watched Julie and Julia today and saw myself resemble Julie because she never sticks to her goals. I am that type of person. Improving my photography, I'll be able to make myself proud and show my loved ones the world that I see. I'm also going to make a project of my own out of inspiration. I've yet to decide on a deadline because I first have to find my perfect sources to learn! If anyone out there may be reading, please give me some suggestions of online websites that may help me improve my photography, such as with the focus and exposure of my Nikon D40. Thanks!

It's now midnight which means that reality must come in check. I must complete revising my essay for English 3 AP which is based on Sophie's World, Moby Dick, and East of Eden. Oh no! Tuesday is the beginning of JUNIOR year!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Trip to the NYC!

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By nicherolove, shot with NIKON D40 at 2009-08-05

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By nicherolove, shot with NIKON D40 at 2009-08-05

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By nicherolove, shot with NIKON D40 at 2009-08-05

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By nicherolove, shot with NIKON D40 at 2009-08-05

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By nicherolove, shot with NIKON D40 at 2009-08-05

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By nicherolove, shot with NIKON D40 at 2009-08-05

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By nicherolove, shot with NIKON D40 at 2009-08-05

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By nicherolove, shot with NIKON D40 at 2009-08-05

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By nicherolove, shot with NIKON D40 at 2009-08-05

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By nicherolove, shot with NIKON D40 at 2009-08-05

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By nicherolove, shot with NIKON D40 at 2009-08-05

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By nicherolove, shot with NIKON D40 at 2009-08-05

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By nicherolove, shot with NIKON D40 at 2009-08-05

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By nicherolove, shot with NIKON D40 at 2009-08-05

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By nicherolove, shot with NIKON D40 at 2009-08-05

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By nicherolove, shot with NIKON D40 at 2009-08-05

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By nicherolove, shot with NIKON D40 at 2009-08-05

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By nicherolove, shot with NIKON D40 at 2009-08-05

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By nicherolove, shot with NIKON D40 at 2009-08-05

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By nicherolove, shot with NIKON D40 at 2009-08-05

So now everything is back to normal and I really have a lot of things to worry about ahead of me. School will be starting soon and I need to catch up with all of my homework, especially reading!! I've just finished watching the 2006 Shanghai Bund. Great drama, but sad. Nevertheless, I'd watch it again. I regret not joining the photo contest at Evergreen library. I might not have won but others would have seen my photography. :P. Just my luck. I don't even know when the next time will be. Should I upload to flickr? or deviantart? I don't know. I just started watching Fated to Love You so let's hope it's going to get even better since I heard lots of good things from it. :P. The weather is nice outside. Let's take a stroll! And who knows, snap some shots. Then later tonight, if I go biking, hopefully I'll snap some sunset shots. That's what I want most!