Monday, August 24, 2009

a breeze of cool air...

Epik High - Remixing the Human Soul

Short term goals. I am determined to set out some short term goals that shall be important to me. I want to abide to a short term goal and actually complete it on time. Hopefully if I am successful, by that time, I'll have some readers. :). I won't start right now. I'll just discuss about some of the ones that I am thinking. One thing that I want to continue doing, however, is blogging and keeping record of it.

Some of the things I want to do are: practice and improve my photography, improve my photography and graphic editing skills enough to make a scrapbook of my collection of photos or make a personal book out of it. I think photography shall be most important right now because I always get ahead of myself. I laugh at myself. I watched Julie and Julia today and saw myself resemble Julie because she never sticks to her goals. I am that type of person. Improving my photography, I'll be able to make myself proud and show my loved ones the world that I see. I'm also going to make a project of my own out of inspiration. I've yet to decide on a deadline because I first have to find my perfect sources to learn! If anyone out there may be reading, please give me some suggestions of online websites that may help me improve my photography, such as with the focus and exposure of my Nikon D40. Thanks!

It's now midnight which means that reality must come in check. I must complete revising my essay for English 3 AP which is based on Sophie's World, Moby Dick, and East of Eden. Oh no! Tuesday is the beginning of JUNIOR year!

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