Thursday, August 27, 2009

Three days in...

Hooray! I won't have to sleep at 2 AM tonight! the other two nights. Thank goodness. In two hours, TGIF! So Everyday, I've been going to Japanese tutoring for the stuff we missed out in J2 last year with Hashimoto. It's an hour at a time. I was pretty intimidated today and quite nervous, so I was making careless mistakes that I usually never have trouble with. I did my Japanese homework first to get it out of the way. Altogether, including the speech, it took me like 1.5 hours, which is ultra long. I'll be able to shorten the time when my Japanese improves. I can't wait till that day. I'm not dreading today as I did the other two days. :) Glad. I'm now having to read and study for FOUR whole chapters for AP US History. Why must everything be so specific? And why must every important person have the name John or William? Ridiculous. Ehh..At least it is 10 now. If I do this for about 1.5 hours and practice my Japanese speech before I go to bed, I'll wing it. In bed before 1 please. I beg of your wisdom. HAHA! BETTER start! No time to lose. schoolschoolschoool. sleep. eat. nap. homeworkhomeworkhomework. school. testtesttest.

I love my life. FML

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