Monday, August 24, 2009

A teen before the first day of school...

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I'm in the middle of my adorable friends, Jaimie and Nancy Papa. Lol.

Seated in the black leather chair in front of the hot monitor, I am typing up this post instead of revising my English Literature essay for my "beloved" English AP assignment. Luckily, since I have a headache, I've asked Don to revise it for me. :). He's going to have the first three classes with me. Interesting, aye? I'm really not looking forward to these classes. :( I don't have any classes with Delia or Jaimie. What fun is that? Oh yeah, let's not forget Carlin. Oops. Sorry Carlin!

The crickets are making noises outside. It was very hot today, but it's strangely cold outside now. I don't even want to be sitting in front of this ultra-bright screen but because of my lousy procrastination, it's what I must do. My US History book is lying on the floor, yelling at me to read it already. But any normal student knows you just want to go shut it in the closet and lock it up. I wonder what I should wear tomorrow. Again, like other teens, you want to look good on the first day of school, but you don't want to overdo it either. That would be overkill, like you're trying too hard. That's because tomorrow's outfit will not only be in the yearbook for the rest of your life, it's the outfit and look that is going to make or break your first impression to those at school. I'm laughing now. Not "break", but I do plan to take some consideration when choosing out what to wear tomorrow, especially because it's going to be near the 90's. -_-' Oh god. Why does it have to be so damn hot?

I was checking out a blog awhile ago which is managed by two friends. It's about fashion and lifestyle which I find pretty interesting. Too bad I don't have another friend that really is on the same page as me about fashion or photography. :P Otherwise, it'd be cool to have one together. :) Anyway, for a little background info about me!

My name is Nicole and I'm going to officially become a Junior tomorrow at Silver Creek High School in the Silicon Valley of California. I'm Asian, born and raised in this same purple house that just says "Doll House" all over it. I am a very messy person, with my personal space, I guess. But I'm super organized with my school work; why is that? I absolutely love fashion, photography, writing, art, drawing, reading, biking, eating, sushi, and all of those goodies. I'm also a person that loves to start things but is never able to finish them, for example, like sewing. Although I can't afford sewing classes, I haven't made any garments of my own. :( And for now I must really stop because my headache is becoming very difficult.

Thanks for reading!

Edit (a portion of my English Lit essay):

Although every human being struggles from problems of evil, it does not mean that we are compelled to be that way. No matter how tough it is, we have the free will to choose to act differently, such as doing good deeds and acting accordingly to our moral ethics. We must also accept that no one or nothing is entirely good or entirely evil either. That’s why, in the yin yang symbol, there is a balance of black and white on both sides. To me, this means that the truer and purer your heart, the more you will be able to forgive and let go of the past, rather than filling your heart full of vengeance, as the case of Ahab’s blinded obsession in Moby Dick. Otherwise, if you allow for any one of these negative emotions, whether it is vengeance, hate, or jealousy, unfavorable consequences will result.

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