Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Buckle up tight because it's gonna be a bumpy ride!

Listening to: Leaves in the Wind - Isaac Shepard

All a rush of things to do. Tick tock. 2 AM. Things happening. Uncontrollable. Rolling back and forth. Thinking...pondering...wondering...breathing...one breath at a time. 3 AM. The night is dark and quiet. I am alone and every one else in the house is there yet not there. My eyes look up at the empty darkness. Black out. Blink. 5 AM. What is wrong with me?

My alarm rings. 7:00 AM. Primetime, baby. I am looking forward to this. Still a little unsure but still a little anticipating. Into the bathroom I go, the usual. The brushing, the washing up, the dressing, the eye-liner. Eye-liner has to be well done today. Let's make an impression! But wait, peeking outside the glass window, what is that wind? 'Maybe it'll go away soon. Better be prepared, bring the cardigan.' Breakfast, some Reese's puffs and a waffle. Out the door.

Kisses Dad good-bye. First class here I come. Mrs. Voss. D-7. 2nd Period. English 3 AP. People are leaving from their first period of the day. Scott Harano says, "Good luck." ...There's a test on Moby Dick. Brilliant. Take a deep breath. Walk in. Sits down next to Amanda Schmitt, Amy Wong, Amber Por, Johanna Hoang. Comfortable as it is, I look around and see Don Truong walking in. Yay! It's ol' pal Don. and Nancy too. SaraB is in the class too but obviously I can't sit next to her. Why is it that every class has a seating arrangement or seating charts. Ridiculous. Moving on. She gives us our test. It's horrible! 50 questions, at least they're multiple choice. I didn't know any of the vocabulary. Foreboding? Maelstrom? Salt? At least the way it was defined in the answers I didn't see the connection.

3rd period: Taylor. AP US History. He might be easier than Chan but not a great of a teacher as he was. Already, Taylor seems a bit boring. It'll be hard for me to follow his no sleeping rule. I should go say hi to Mr. Chan. At least Hayley sits in front of me. :) Yay! Though she says I look older. Um, is that a good thing or bad thing? I don't even know. Good, I was missing her. :) Beside me is Don again! Haha, did I tell you we have 3 classes together? Damnnnn. Ahaha. Behind him is Krystal D. She's an awesome gal. I'm very glad to have her in my class. :).

Break. School is pretty crowded. Freshmen roaming here and there. All the new fresh faces, everywhere. I was once one of them. Why couldn't there be something like "new Juniors". Lol. Our little crew, of what I can remember is a little mix of Delia, Nancy, Don, Carlin, Thao, Will (here and away), Katherine Le, Kathy Vuong, Cindy Chau...Yep yep.

4th: Bump bump bump bump. The sound of my heart beating. Japanese 3. Hall sensei. His class is the one I'm worried most about. All made up of other nerds and geniuses. C'mon! Sally, Johanna, Scott, Amanda, even though she won't admit it at least for Japanese, Katherine! Wait, and Thuy, too! I'm scared for tonight's assignment, too. Have to make a one minute speech in plain form and memorize it, then present it orally tomorrow. Forget this. I'm out.

My body is tense, drained. Hang in there, Nicole. Let's not get burned out quite yet. May I have some guidance...

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